Solar for agro processing
Goal for Advanced Innovation and Networking for Development-(GAIND) is playing a catalytic role in efforts to improve agricultural productivity in communities in Uganda using Solar for agro processing. We are moving rural households beyond subsistence farming and increasing the output of agribusinesses and farmer cooperatives. This increase in demand for Solar for agro processing is also providing us with new customers. In this event, Goal for Advanced Innovation and Networking for Development-(GAIND) looks at the mutually beneficial growth of energy services and productive use in the agriculture sector, as well as the ongoing challenges in the sector using Solar for agro processing.
Primary research conducted by Goal for Advanced Innovation and Networking for Development-(GAIND) showed that rural businesses prioritize investments in equipment, smaller productive assets and business stock. Use of mechanized equipment means that affordable and reliable energy becomes a critical enabler for them and nearly 40% identified energy access as a challenge for their business growth.
Goal for Advanced Innovation and Networking for Development-(GAIND) also believes that Mini-grids need to be deployed where commercial agricultural opportunities exist, and projects must be planned around an understanding of the long-term needs of customers. From the perspective of an agro-processing business, energy is just a service. If a mini-grid does not provide access to affordable and reliable energy, the rural operator will turn to diesel gen-sets or other options. Do you wish to partner with us visit our contact us page and send us an inquiry to learn more about Solar for agro processing. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@